
An exciting old fashioned cookbook with much more.  If you are from the Mountains of Kentucky you will love this book with 192 recipes.  This 8 1/2 x 11 paperback cookbook is in full color.  Joyce has written several books, all found on Amazon.com, or contact her through Face Book if you want a personalized signed copy or write her at JOs8072008@aol.com  Find mouthwatering recipes, how to can, enjoy the flavors of yesterday, and learn how to cook like your granny did . . . 

Her nieces and nephews asked for many recipes their mother's had made that were "handed down" through the family.  She has them all here and shared each with a lovely copy of the once forgotten recipes from "back home in Kentucky."  If you are a lover of old fashioned recipes, including chicken n' dumplings, poke sallet, sweet potato biscuits, or canning your favorite "sour" pickles, it is all found in the pages with pictures.  Joyce often referred to her people as the dumpling and dippin' people, expressing how they dipped their biscuits in gravy or cookies in milk, to tomato dumplings, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry, apple, bean or potato dumplings.  Don't miss out in adding this to your library of cookbooks.

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